A Shipping and Handling (S&H) charge is added to each order during the checkout process. This charge is based on the order total value, and based on US Postal Service delivery zones. We will usually ship your order via Priority Mail or First Class Mail. ONLY Books and DVD/Videos can be shipped Media Mail.
Often, an order requires significantly less actual postage than the system calculates. In cases where this occurs, we will send a refund for excessive S&H charged. Email us if you want to know exact shipping before paying.
For non-USA addresses, it is possible the shipping calculator will not charge enough -- if you purchase heavier items that have lower retail prices. In this case, we will contact you about the actual shipping cost, and if you want to cancel your order at that point, this is not a problem.
Standard shipping in the USA
Minimum charge is $4.95, and maximum charge is $19.95.
International Air Mail shipping (all countries except Canada)
Minimum charge is $18.95, and Maximum charge is $69.95. . New USPS rate schedules are the same shipping cost for packages 1 oz to 8 oz, and same shipping cost for packages 9 oz to 32 oz. Crazy, I know, but it means if you have a package over 8oz, you can add up to another 24 oz of magic to the shipment without more postage! (The website will probably not caculate this correctly, but email me and I will let you know the proper amount, or I will refund excess postage if you pay immediately. )
International Air Mail shipping (Canada only)
Minimum charge is $14.95, and Maximum charge is $59.95. New USPS rate schedules are the same shipping cost for packages 1 oz to 8 oz, and same shipping cost for packages 9 oz to 32 oz. Crazy, I know, but it means if you have a package over 8 oz, you can add another 24 oz of magic to the shipment without more postage! (The website will probably not caculate this correctly, but email me and I will let you know the proper amount, or I will refund excess postage if you pay immediately).
Media Mail shipping (books and videos only, to US addresses)
If you order only books, DVDs and/or magazines, we will ship your package via Media Mail to save you shipping costs. The checkout calculator does not account for this, and will probably overcharge you for postage -- we will refund any excess shipping. MEDIA MAIL CAN ONLY BE USED IF THERE ARE NO non-MEDIA ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE ORDER -- books, magazines and videos/DVDs only!!!! And not available for non-USA addresses.