Originally released by Nick Trost in the 1970's, BIGFOOT was Trost's version of the Emerson & West Eight Ball trick, but using the very topical (at the time) image of the Sasquatch footprints. As a teenager in the 1970's, I remember watching all kinds of documentaries on TV about the Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Abominable Snowman, or whatever other names people gave to this mythical man-beast. Bigfoot was HOT, and even 45 years later, people are still familiar with and intrigued by this legend.
The original versions of this trick have been extremely hard to find, since about the 1980's, but in the early 2000's, Nick Trost struck a deal with L&L Publishing to re-issue many of his classic packets. And BIGFOOT was one of those chosen for the re-issue collection.
The effect (in more detail) is this: magi shows five blank cards and one with a large footprint -- the backs of all the cards are also blank, so when the footprint is turned downward, that card can easily be lost in all the other blank surfaces. The cards are mixed and spectator chooses a card at random -- it is the legendary bigfoot. This is repeated and again she finds the bigfoot. In the end, she gets a blank card, but all the other cards are now seen to have bigfoot prints on them.
The Emerson and West Eight Ball effect was cute, but by changing the image to bigfoot prints, the blank cards make more sense (since Bigfoot lives in the snow!) and the effect is open to a LOT more patter possibilities and jokes, etc.
The cards are examinable at the end, which is nice, though I find that people usually just sit back and enjoy the surprising and funny appearance of the footprints. The handling is open and clean, so there is not really any suspicion about the cards.
New-old dealer inventory, so in new and unused condition, complete with all props and original instruction sheet.