Yet another context for the classic packet Brainwave effect -- we have versions with Dots, with Cereal boxes, with Disses & Kisses,, etc etc etc. But here is one featuring funny movie titles that one might see among the counterfeit "bootlegs" being sold at the flea market. (I would have called this Bootleg Brainwave!)
You show six cards, each depicting a slightly wrong (and therefore, funny) movie title. You lay the six cards out and allow the spectator a free choice. That card is pushed aside. You then ask her to pick another movie for you, which you also set aside. "You chose this one for you and this one for me." You pick up the other four movies and turn count through them facedown -- they all have the word THAT on their backs. "You did not choose That one, that one, that one or that one." Turn the two chosen cards over to show the word THIS on their backs! "You chose this one and this one."
One clever idea allows you to have two cards chosen, as opposed to the standard single different card that is usually revealed in the packet brainwave effect. However, if you are familiar with the Olram version of the packet brainwave trick, you can also perform that version using these cards (where the pick any movie and it is the only different back -- the other five cards are the same.)
The movie titles will get a chuckle from your audience. And the effect will also puzzle them. So you get "Mystery and Mirth", (as one of my old 1970's magic catalogs used to say).
Brand new and unused. Comes with cards and DVD instructions
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