This close-up prediction effect is very colorful and has a fun feel to it. I like tricks like this. Oh, sure, I often stay up way too late, studying a volume of Marlo's Magazine and practicing my longitudinal palm deal switch. But when I see some cards with cute pictures of fruit on them, I get excited about that, too. I guess because most audiences for whom I perform also enjoy fun, somewhat silly tricks, right along with the heavyweight stuff. So I mix it up for 'em.
I came across this nicely printed and produced set of props, without any instructions. So I worked out my routine with them, and wrote it up, and now this trick has instructions. (Pretty good instructions, if I do say so myself!)
The effect: mental-magi shows a folded piece of blue paper, saying that it contains his prediction. This is placed in full view or handed to someone for safe keeping. Next, he shows six cards (apparently from a children's card game or flash card set) -- each card showing a tasty and popular fruit. The cards are laid out in a row, and the spectator is asked to name any number from 1 to 6. She does, and the card designated by that number is set aside. (Let's say it's the Apple). The magi unfolded the blue paper, and inside is a folded yellow paper. This is unfolded, and inside is a folded green paper, and finally inside that a folded orange paper. The spectator unfolds the orange paper to find a small picture of... yes, it's an Apple!
Reasons to like this trick, besides fruit is healthy and good for you:
1. the chosen number is a completely free choice, and when choosing the fruit, there is no "spelling" a number. No illogical procedures -- the choice is very fair.
2. this is a good prediction trick for younger audiences -- easy to follow, colorful, and can even include a good lesson about eating healthy
3. you can use the folded papers (the old Buddah Money Mystery) for other tricks if you want. And you can do the fruti prediction without the folded papers, if you just use a little ingenuity.
Get this! You will enjoy it, almost as much as practicing your longitudinal palm deal shift at 2 a.m. (probably more!)
Brand new and unused, with my TMGS instructions.
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