YOU'D BE SURPRISED by Robert Parrish and John Goodrum
(paperback stapled, mint condition) 1970's Tannens reprint 66 pages.
This book was originally published by Tannen's in 1963, and then they reprinted in the early 1970's, (but without any notation of it being a newer edition. The edition is undated, but I am pretty sure it came out in about 1973, when Tannen's was doing a lot of reprints of earlier books.
I remember seeing this book in catalogues when I was a young magician, and thinking the jack-in-the-box jester on the cover was so cool, and a little bit scary! But the insides of the book are more important than even the coolest cover art, so...
Inside you'll find some really interesting mental and card magic, and also some stage manipulation stuff and a whole chapter on (now, not so popular) Thimble magic, which may be overdue for a comeback, so read up on it!
Good stuff, well taught and well-illustrated by the great Nelson Hahne.
Look at the photo of the Contents.
I think D Robbins has since reprinted the book also in the 1990's, but this one is the Tannen's edition.