Although this comes with a 12 page booklet of routines/ideas by Todd Mohn, Allen Zingg, and Kenton Knepper, the props in Kopy Koins will probably inspire you to think up other ways to use them.
Kopy Koins are highly realistic plastic coins, that look exactly like US coins, except for the bold (and legally required) word "COPY" embossed on both sides. But it is that word which makes some neat effects possible.
My favorite is the simplest: borrow a coin from the spectator, and say you will test it for authenticity. Place the coin on the table and put a sheet of paper over it, then use a pencil to rub an impression of the coin. The impression has the word "copy" on it. Reach beneath, get the coin and hand it back to the spectator, along with the paper. "I know your coin looks perfectly normal, but it's definitely a copy!" The spectator may be afraid to spend her coin after seeing this.
There's also a more involved routine by Allen Zingg in which a borrowed coin gets less and less real, by steps. First it gets lighter, then turns to plastic, then paper. (This routine also uses the coin stickers that are included with Kopy Koins.
New with instructions. Comes with a dozen Kopy Koins in various denominations, and also some coin stickers for alternate routines.
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