This 4 inch by 5 inch bag has a mesh net front, so spectators can see inside whenever the bag is turned with the mesh toward them. The back is solid black fabric (rayon, I think). The instructions detail a fairly simple routine:
Show the bag, and drop a coin into it. dump the coin into your hand, show the bag empty and put it mesh-side downward onto the table. Vanish the coin, and it reappears inside the bag. See. I told you it's like an Egg Bag for coins!
The instructions also detail how you can cause the coin in the bag to visibly grow into a Jumbo sized coin as you dump it out (You need to have your own Jumbo coin -- not supplied. Or check our listings and get the one we sell. It is the best quality jumbo half dollar you can get!)
If you are a creative close-up worker, you can easily make up your own routines with this simple (but effective) utility prop. Her's how I use mine: show the bag with three half dollars in it, dump them onto the table. Show the bag empty and place it on the table (mesh downward). Vanish one of the coins, and it appears inside the bag. Show the one coin in the bag, place the bag on the table, and vanish another coin. It appears in the bag, making two coins in the bag now. Once more, repeat this with the third coin, which appears in the bag. Dump out the three coins, and put two in your pocket. Have the spectator drop the other into the bag. She makes a wish, and when you dump the coin out of the bag, it changes into a Jumbo coin or into a chocolate coin. (Again, jumbo coin / chocolate coin NOT included)
That routine is not hard to do, or to figure pout, once you start working with this handy utility device.
Brand new with instructions for a simple routine. Use your own coins and creativity to get the most magic out of this.
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