A lot of alliteration in that title. It's actually two separate (but related) effects. Cash to Credit Card, and Credit Card to Cash. TMGS is selling them together, at a better price than if you purchased these separately, (and with only a single shipping cost).
The effects are self-explanatory, based on their names, but I will describe them briefly.
In one, you show a replica $50 bill on both sides -- this is a very clean full display of both front and back. The bill is folded a couple of times and when you draw your hand away, it is now a (replica) credit card, which is also shown fully on both sides.
The other effect is where you show a replica credit card, and it instantly changes into a $100 bill replica.
Odd that the manufacturer of both these effects did not make the credit cards match, so they are not really meant to be shown together. The first effect is much stronger, because of the clean displays of the items on both sides -- this is not possible in the Credit Card to Cash effect. But for both of these, I recommend using them as quickie novelties, rather than a magical effect. They can add a quick moment of humor to the routine, but most laymen will be able to assess that the bill/credit card is somehow folded inside or behind.
The credit card replicas are cardboard, not plastic like real credit cards. Once you understand the workings of these, you could make up versions using actual credit cards and cash (especially using the new flat credit cards without any raised printing on them).
Not mind-bending magic, but (I think) a couple of cute magical gags you can use to punctuate more powerful money magic routines.
You get both effects, new with instructions.
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