This is a currently manufacturered version of the excellent Black hat Magic effect from the 1990's. The Black Hat version has been long unavailable, and so it is nice to be able to get an equally well-made version of this effect again. (There have been a number of not-so-well-made versions available over the years, but this one has the same look, feel and quality of the original!)
EFFECT: A small clear plastic folder is slipped over a folded borrowed bill. A playing card is then stuck through the bill, and sticks out the other side of the fold and folder. In the end, the bill is unharmed.
The card used is a Bee poker size card. It is specially gimmicked to accomplish this very visual effect, and so you cannot substitute your favorite brand of cards. (It would not be difficult to construct the card gimmick in a nother brand and back design, but the gimmick is particularly deceptive when using the Bee brand back pattern.)
An easy to do, easy to carry pocket mystery. Very visual. Brand new with a photocopy of the instructions that came with the original Balck Hat item. (But to be clear, this is NOT the Black hat item, but a recent re-make by another manufacturer.)
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