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My Favorite Girlfriend -- nude version

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I would say this is strictly for collectors, but if you show it at your magic club meeting, most of the guys will get a kick out of it.  Its from a company called First Magic in Bangkok, Thailand that does not appear to be in business anymore, (or at least not with any web presence).

The trick is a version of one created by Roy Johnson and Vic Pinto -- Pinto had some other sexy showgirl tricks, so I guess this one fits in with his tendency to add sex appeal (in the form of scantily clothed young ladies) to close up effects.

You show a picture of a naked girl -- see picture here -- that is in a frame-like holder, and the photo extends out from the bottom of the frame -- see the picture again... oh, you were still looking at the picture?    You mention that the sexy girl is your favorite girlfriend and you can prove it, because she has written something to you on the back.  You begin to pull the extended part of the photo out of the frame -- the spectators see the picture of the girl in the frame begin to move -- as you turn the frame facedown and remove the facedown picture.  It says "I love you, Suzy" on the back.  But when the picture is shown again, Suzy has gone to seed -- she is a very large woman, and not your favorite girlfriend.

The reason I say this is more collectable than performable is that the frame switch is not particularly deceptive.  But if you collect sexy magic, or want a sexy quickie to show for showing the boys, this is fun.

The frame and photo are about 3 inches by 2 inches.  Instructions included

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