My new favorite close-up divination effect. Five apparently identical plexi blocks are shown, each with a different color spot on it. Mentalist turns away, and the spectator chooses a color and places it in the opaque bag, then hides the rest of the blocks in her pocket. Magi-mentalist holds the bag for a moment to get cosmic vibes from it, and then names the color inside. Do it in the dark, as no visual cues are needed to make the divination. Instantly repeatable, and very effective when repeated once or twice.
As you may have noted from the second sentence of this description, the "identical" blocks are only "apparently identical", and the subtle (very subtle) difference built into them allows you to discern the bagged color. The cue is indetectable if you do not know what to look for, but easy to "read" when you know the secret.
Quality props that you will use a lot! (The card deck in the photo is just for size scale. Not included or needed for the effect!)
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