This special pen, which looks perfectly normal, writes with ink that will vanish when heated up. So you can make messages disappear, or change into something different. My favorite: write a prediction of a card -- like "The name of the Card is the eight of diamonds" -- and when the spectator says that is wrong, you wave a lighter by the prediction, and most of the letters vanish, leaving only letters that read "T e n of he arts". That is the routine described in the instructions, but lots of cool things to do with this special pen, if you just use your imagination. And laymen go nuts when the writing visbly changes.
I think the writing from the special pen looks more like pencil writing, so I use a well-sharpened pencil to write the non-vanishing part of the messge. You can write something with the pen, and immediately cause that writing to vanish (with a little heat). To cause writing to change, you need to prepare the prediction in advance using a combination of regular pen (supplied) and the special pen.
When this trick was released, it was about $12.95, but I think it should cost less. So get one at our lower TMGS price.
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