Rabbit in Hat plaque
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Qty: 1
Another great item in the category of "packs flat, plays big" for your kidshow. A simple, colorful picture of a plaque is shown to the kids, and they are asked what a magician usually keeps in his hat. When they say rabbit, you say "Ribbit? What? A frog? No! that's silly!" The kids again say "Rabbit, and you say, "No, not a robot! No R2D2's in this hat" By now the kids are screaming "RABBIT!!!!" Finally you hear them correctly. "Oh, a rabbit! Yes. Of course. Why didn't you say so?" Turning the palque around to show the back, you tell the kids that the rabbit is now sitting in the hat. They want to see him, of course. You can do more byplay, but finally you show them the rabbit in the hat picture. Easy to do, and about 4 minutes of fun participation. A great warm up effect. The other way I like to use this one is to have three of them and do a monte style routine -- with one rabbit in a hat card, and two cards with just hats. The kids try to follow where the rabbit in the hat is, but always find just a hat. You can show any card to be either one whenever you want. Very fun, and easy to do, easy to pack, and easy to put away!
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