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Jumbled Numbers streamer

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Aside from this item a hard one to photograph for the website, I like everything else about it. 

 A silk streamer (about 4 feet long) shows the numbers from one to six, but they are in a mixed up order.    The one comes after the four, the two comes after the six, the three comes after the five.  Hold up the streamer, and ask the kids to follow along as you count to six.  4 - 1 - 5 - 3 - 6 - 2.   Of course, the kids go nuts, telling you that you don't know how to count.  But with magic, you shake the streamer, and the numbers rearrange themselves into the proper order. 

Banner can be shown on both sides, when numbers are jumbled and when numbers are correct. 

NOTE:  Deck of cards in the photo is not needed, nor is it included -- just there so you get a quick sense of this streamer's size

Very visible, self contained.  One of those things you can use in every kidshow you do.

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