Chopstick deck
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Seems like if you drill a hole in a deck of cards, audience interest is automatically heightened. I love the Locked Deck effect for this reason, and the Chopstick deck is similar --audiences want to know more about this deck of cards with the holes going through it.
Whether you explain that the deck is ex-Casino, and the hole is always punched through discarded casino decks to keep them from being used in cheating, or you simply say that the hole was custom drilled to allow you to demonstrate the strange magical power of Yin (or is it Yang?), you have a card selected and fairly shuffled back into the deck. But using your trusty chopstick, you stick it in the hole, and bam! the selected card spins out of the deck (like the picture).
The "chopstick" is actually a plastic custom-made rod to use with the trick, though you can maybe find a mystical looking full-size chopstick to use with this deck -- as you would expect it has to have the correct diameter, so it might take a lot of trial and error with various chopsticks :-) But in the meantime, use the rod that comes with the deck, and you will still have a puzzling quick card revelation.
The deck is otherwise normal and so can be used for other tricks, but (without giving anything away) if you do some other "regular" deck tricks with it, you will have to "reset" the chopstick deck before doing the chopstick reveleation again. So start with the chopstick trick, then do some others if you wish. (If you only do the chopstick revelation, the trick automatically resets)
This is made with a bridge size deck, and the cards are not as high-quality as those from USPCC, but they do spread and handle well.
Comes with a small pocket size "chopstick" rod, and holed deck (with instructions of course)
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The deck contains 52 cards, but all the backs are different. Two cards are set aside faceup. The spectator deals facedown cards into a pile, stopping anytime they want. One of the faceup cards is set (still faceup) on the spot they stopped, and then they continue to deal facedown. They again stop anywhere they wish, and the other faceup card is set into the pack at that point, buried by the remaining facedown cards. Now for the amazing part --the facedown cards that are next to the faceup predictions are taken from the deck, along with the prediction cards. The backs on these cards match the prediction cards' backs. To prove even further, the faces of the cards are seen to be mates of each other, and the final kicker comes when the rest of the deck (that the spectator did NOT stop on) is seen to be all black cards which matches neither of the red suited predictions.
As is common with these less expensive rainbow decks, the card faces have slightly different tones/shades because the decks are made up from many, many separate decks. But the emphasis is on the backs in this routine, and so this drawback is not noticed or important to the spectators. They just love the multiple finishes and the idea of having a deck with all different backs!
"New-old" stock from a large lot of ex-dealer inventory -- circa 1990's, but in like new (unused) condition with original instructions.
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