Sticker set: Classic Magic Mini Posters #1 -- adhesive back
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This is a fun set of classic magic posters, scaled down to just 6 inches tall. They are printed on a durable, hard to rip/tear, thin flexible plastic, so they will last much longer than ordinary paper stickers.
This set contains 17 great poster replicas: Thurston, Okito, Alexander, Kalanag, Herrmann, Virgil, Germain, Houdini, Nicola, Carter the Great, Devant, Chung Ling soo, Kellar, Fu Manchu, Heller (okay, I had to look him up...), Jansen, and Blackstone.
The mini-posters are backed with peel off adhesive, so you can stick them on your magic cases, magic binders, anywhere you want to scream magic. (Won't your wife be happy when she sees the new look for the fridge!) If you have a magic room, (and what magician doesn't) and you are handy, I could see someone converting an old scratched up coffee table into the ultimate magic coffee table, covered with these colorful poster replicas and a coat of clear varnish.
Whatever you decide to do with them, these stickers are a must-have for any magician who is proud of our Art!
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This is a double set of classic and contemporary magic posters, scaled down to just 6 inches tall. They are printed on a durable, hard to rip/tear, thin flexible plastic, so they will last much longer than ordinary paper stickers.
These come in two different sets, but here they are combined together into one SUPER set of 32 different poster replicas.
The classic posters include: Thurston, Okito, Alexander, Kalanag, Herrmann, Virgil, Germain, Houdini, Nicola, Carter the Great, Devant, Chung Ling Soo, Kellar, Fu Manchu, Heller (okay, I had to look him up...), Jansen, and Blackstone. And also a couple of classic magic ladies of yesteryear -- Adelaide Hermann and Ionia.
The more contemporary posters include: Mark Wilson, David Berglas, Joanie Spina, Hans Klok, Randi, Chang, Paul Daniels, Andre Kole, Rebekah Yen, Ben Robinson, The Spencers,
The 32 different mini-posters are backed with peel off adhesive, so you can stick them on your magic cases, magic binders, anywhere you want to scream magic. (Won't your wife be happy when she sees the new look for the fridge!) If you have a magic room, (and what magician doesn't) and you are handy, I could see someone converting an old scratched up coffee table into the ultimate magic coffee table, covered with these colorful poster replicas and a coat of clear varnish.
This SUPER Set of 32 stickers, new and unused, is offered at a discounted price compared to buying the two sets separately. Save a little money and get even more magic into your life!
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