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Patriotic Rope Link -- fun routine for birthday shows

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This is a classic rope effect from...  I don't know who invented it, or when, but it has stood the test of time.   I remember performing this one back in the 1970's when I started doing magic, and i think the effect was old even back then.

It is not exactly earth-shattering magic, but if you present it as I recommend (below), you will find that it is is great entertainment and fun for a birthday party show.

The basic effect:   magi shows three ropes -- a red, a white, and a blue.  The ropes are tied into loops and tossed in the air.  In mid air, they seem to merge and they come down as one large tri-colored, patriotic loop.

I recommend this presentation which turns the trick from a visual quickie into a fun-filled audience yell-fest.   Show the three ropes and have the kids shout out the three different colors.   Then divide the audience into three "teams" -- the red team, blue team and white team.  Tie the white rope into a loop, and then ask the white team to shout out the magic words "Happy Birthday".    Ask the birthday child how they did.   Then tie the red rope into a loop, and have the red team shout out the magic word.  They scream "Happy Birthday" even louder.   Finally tie the blue rope into a loop, and have the blue team shout the magic words.   Even louder than the others!   Ask the birthday child to stand up with you to be the final judge of which team wins -- the white, the red or the blue, you emphasize this by once again showing the loops.  Hand the birthday child the three loops, and ask him/her to toss them into the air when everyone yells the magic words.    1-2-3, the loops go into the air, the kids all shout "happy Birthday" and as the loops come down, magician catches them to show that all three colors are now one big loop!  "I guess the contest is a tie -- everybody wins on your birthday!"

That routine isn't in the instructions, but when you see how the trick works, it is really just a matter of matching the patter to the trick.  And being confident enough to put the rope into the child's hand to throw up in the air.  (Don't worry, they won't see the magic!)

The trick is easy to do, but does take some practice in handling and tying the ropes without tangles or awkwardness.   

    Brand new with instructions.

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